Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ten great movies to watch in your Home Theater!

Top ten best movies to watch in your Home Theater!

  1. Toy Story
A parent-tickling delight, is a work of incredible cleverness in the best two-tiered Disney tradition.
-The New York Times

The first animated feature produced entirely on computer is a magically witty and humane entertainment, a hellzapoppin fairy tale about a roomful of suburban toys who come to life when humans aren't around.
-Entertainment Weekly

  1. Godfather
Overflowing with life, rich with all the grand emotions and vital juices of existence, up to and including blood. And its deaths, like that of Hotspur in "Henry IV, Part I," continue to shock no matter how often we've watched them coming
-Los Angeles Times

Brando made Don Vito something we rarely see in movies: a tragicomic villain-hero, a vulnerable hood. The don is so close to a comic character -- the movie itself is so close to comedy -- that Brando's capacity to move us in the role is doubly impressive. At the end, it is the older Godfather's tenderness and sagacity we recall.
-Chicago Tribune

  1. The Shawshank Redemption
A thumpingly good ode to friendship, hope, wit, wiles and wisdom, brimming with crackling characters and topped with the most twisteroo of twists since "The Crying Game."

-Chicago Reader

  1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Vibrantly, intricately alive on its own terms. This is what magic the movies can conjure with an inspired fellowship in charge, and unlimited pots of gold.
-Entertainment Weekly

Fellowship is the real deal, a movie epic that pops your eyes out, piles on thrills and fun, and yet stays intimately attuned to character.
-Rolling Stone

  1. Star Wars 4-6
The best of three Star Wars films, and the most thought-provoking. After the space opera cheerfulness of the original film, this one plunges into darkness and even despair, and surrenders more completely to the underlying mystery of the story. It is because of the emotions stirred in Empire that the entire series takes on a mythic quality that resonates back to the first and ahead to the third. This is the heart.
-Chicago Sun-Times

It balances bloodshed with charm, spectacle with childlike glee. It's a near flawless movie of its kind.
-Chicago Tribune

  1. Saving Private Ryan
A movie of staggering virtuosity and raw lyric power, a masterpiece of terror, chaos, blood, and courage.
-Entertainment Weekly

This film embodies ideas. After the immediate experience begins to fade, the implications remain and grow.
-Chicago Sun-Times

  1. The Matrix
A wildly cinematic futuristic thriller that is determined to overpower the imagination, The Matrix combines traditional science-fiction premises with spanking new visual technology in a way that almost defies description.
-Los Angeles Times

With its mix of Lewis Carroll and William Gibson; Japanese anime and Chinese chopsocky; mythological allusions, and machine-made illusion, offers a couple of hours of escapist fun.
-Philadelphia Inquirer

  1. Lion King
A hugely entertaining blend of music, fun and eye-popping thrills, though it doesn't lack for heart.
-Rolling Stone

Has the resonance to stand not just as a terrific cartoon but as an emotionally pungent movie.
-Entertainment Weekly

  1. The Avengers
Most impressive of all, The Avengers makes superhero movies new again - a colossal task indeed
-San Francisco Chronicle.

There are moments of genuine pathos, genuine humor, genuine surprise. As much as the film adheres to the strictures of the standard comic-book movie, it also pops with a knowing, loving, Whedon-world jokiness that keeps everything barreling along.
-New York Daily News

  1. The Harry Potter Series
This film is the sharpest since "The Prisoner of Azkaban." It is the most emotionally satisfying, blending spot-on comedy and adenoidal sexual tension, with scenes of gutsy vulnerability.
-San Francisco Chronicle

But the story is, still and all, only a pause, deferring an intensely anticipated conclusion. And it's in that exquisite place of action and waiting that this elegantly balanced production emerges as a model adaptation.

-Entertainment Weekly

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